Finally, after almost a year with no new posts, after almost two years with no digital camera, I got my hands on one and shot some worthy material. A few of my Bapple peeps and I headed down to Catalpa Grove Farms in Dwight, IL to feed our little Berkshire Piggies some beer. The beverage of choice was
Brewery Ommegang's Three Philosophers, a Belgian style quadrupel. And why feed a bunch of cute piglets a finely crafted brew you ask? Because lets be honest, you don't show your love and appreciation for pork by showing up with a case of High Life. Also, the incredibly talented chef Craig Fass of the
Bad Apple had been chosen to compete in the first annual Hop Chef Chicago competition in which each chef must create a complimentary dish to one of Brewery Ommegang's delicious beers. Craig had the genius idea of snagging a few photo ops with the little Berkies enjoying Three Philosophers, since this is of course the beer they'd be paired with later in the competition. Genius I tell ya. In all seriousness though, it was a really great opportunity for some of the Bad Apple gang to meet the people that raise our goat, lamb and Berkshire Pork. Also, it may seem like an odd notion to some, but it was actually an incredibly humbling experience gettin' muddy with the animals that we gorge ourselves on every evening at work. Here's to all my fallen Berkies in heaven. Much love.
The folks at Catalpa Grove showing us around their growing garden. |
Happy farm dog. |
Shaman goat. Very wise. |
For all my fallen Berkies. |
Gettin some. |
The winner. |
Its a rough job watching someone feed pigs beer. |